Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 14

Things learned:

-Start Unity3d
-The left panel is called Hierarchy and contains the objects created so far.
-We should rename objects created to stay organized
-We can delete objects from the Hierarchy and if we double click an object it will zoom into it in the scene.
-The default right side panel, called Inspector, contains information about the objects in the scene.
-Each object contains components that change their appearance, state and behaviour.
-We translated, and scaled the floor, player and enemy using the Transform component.
-We learned to add a physics->RigidBody component to player and enemy so they have gravity and interact with each other and the floor.
-We learned to use the view widget  to get side, top, etc views and change from perspective to orthogonal views.

-The bottom panel shows the assets.
-Created a Material asset by right clicking in the assets panel.
-We added a Material to and object by dragging the material from the assets panel to the object.
-We saved the scene to keep our work.
-We started the game by using the Play button at the top of the UI as well as stopping the game with the same button.
-Changes done when the play button is active will be reversed once the game is stopped.
-We added a script to the player and ended trying to open the file in Monodevelop.

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